Sandy affects the Internet aswell


Not only is Hurricane Sandy destroying buildings and flooding New York. It is also causing mayhem on the web!
Huffington Post, Gawker and Gizmodo were all victims of the storm.
Their servers were located in the city and due to the lack of power, shut down, bringing the sites down with them.
For more new on Sandy, visit CNN for their live stream.
We are thinking of those affected.
-Luca @Reviezed

FUT 13: Victory ladder no.4

One of the most popular but useful coin making methods is the 59th minute method. This enables you to see the most recent cards as soon as they go up as people usually put cards up for 1 hour.

In order to get to the 59th minute you must put in your search terms and then scroll through the pages until you find the page where all the items are at 59 minutes or less. It would not be recommended to do this without search terms as it would take hours if not more to get to the correct page (unless you have a cheat engine.)

When you are on the 59th minute you can see all of the latest cards, a tip is to know the players you are searching for and know their selling prices because that way you will be able to pick up all of the best deals before the other people doing this method.

This tip has worked very well in the past for me on FUT13. When I try this method I only search for one player or club at a time as it makes it less time consuming to get to the 59th minute page. Players I have picked up in this method are:

-Arteta- 3.5k

-Walcott- 7k (X2)

-Jordi Alba- 24k

– Torres- 38k

Remember to check back at our twitter account- @Reviewzed for regular FUT13 giveaways and tech news.

Thanks for reading and check back soon for more FUT 13: Victory ladder articles.

-Charlie- @Charlieb_afc49

FUT 13: Victory ladder no.3

The next method we are going to introduce to you is the re-selling method. This can be used for all types of items and can be used with little or lots of money.

However, it is much more risky in comparison to the previous methods but can fetch you thousands of coins in profit.

What you need to do in this method is firstly research a player; in this case we are going to take Mikel Arteta. On average his lowest selling point is 7k, however you can see one for 6k.  By buying the cheapest player on the market you still have the ability to increase his selling point from 6k to 6.9k in this example.

That means that you have increased the price to make 900 coins profit and your player is still the cheapest on the market.

This method can work with any player however; it tends to work better with the more expensive players especially those over worth 50k.


Thanks again!

-Charlie- @Charlieb_afc49

FUT 13: Victory Ladder

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Just started playing Fifa 13 Ultimate Team? Cannot seem to kick start your road to glory? Worry no more! Our new blogging series will guide you from your bedroom to the top of the boardroom in a few simple steps coming over the course of the “FUT 13: Victory ladder” series. We are going to produce a number of articles on trading in Fifa 13 Ultimate Team, guiding you from the bottom to the top. For your benefit we have included an item log where it lays out how many coins you would expect to earn if you sell a certain number of items. Today we focus on the “Contract Card Method.”

Contract Card Method:

One of the easiest ways to start is by buying contracts for a minimalistic price and then sell the card on for a price around the market value.  Firstly I would recommend that you check out the average selling price for contract cards, usually around 400 coins. Ideally you should then try to buy the cards by bidding or quickly getting them from “buy now” for 300 or less coins. This means that you would make at least 100 coins from each card meaning you can earn a relatively large amount of coins in a short time. Even better, if you find a shiny gold contract card for fewer than 700 coins you would easily be able to sell it on for anything under 1000 coins. Below you can see your expected profit if you buy a certain amount of these cards.

Item Amount bought Cost for 1 item Overall cost of items Item sold for Profit
Gold Contract cards 1 300 300 400 100
Gold Contract cards 1 250 250 400 150
Gold Contract cards 5 300 1500 400 500
Gold Contract cards 5 250 1250 400 750
Gold Contract cards 10 300 3000 400 1000
Gold Contract cards 10 250 2500 400 1500

Be sure to check beck soon for the next method. Fancy telling us how you got on with the contract method?

Talk to us on Twitter @reviewzed and you can gain a feature on your story in the next blog post.

-Charlie | @CharlieB_AFC49